Tuesday 3 August 2021

The Olympics

 welcome back bloggers

I am going to be talking about the Olympics. Something cool about the trampolining is that someone and her name is Madeline but people called her Maddy is going to represent New Zealand. And my coach called Alex is there to help her. You can get first, second and third. The Olympics started in 1913, there are a lot of different sports in the Olympics.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emily,

    Great to hear that you have a keen interest in trampolining at the Olympics. It's actually a very interesting sport to watch with the many flips and turns that competitors have to make. I don't think that I could ever bounce as high as some of the people I have seen in the Olympics. My question for you is what are some of the different moves and routines called when your doing a routine?
    Mr Brown
